How to use settings screen


The Jira Project Label Manager Plugin is a tool designed to streamline label management within Jira projects. This documentation provides an overview of the plugin's features, functionality, and usage instructions.

Features doc

  1. Label Table: Displays all labels from the current project in a tabular format, along with the number of issues each label is associated with.

  2. Refresh Issue Count: Users can get the updated issue count for the selected labels by clicking on the refresh button.

  3. Edit Label Name: Allows users to modify label names across all associated issues.

  4. Bulk Label Deletion: Enables users to delete multiple labels simultaneously from all issues.

  5. Label Migration: Facilitates the transfer of labels from one to another across issues.

  6. Label Search: Provides a search functionality to quickly find labels within the table.

  7. Export Options: Supports exporting label data in PDF, CSV, and EXE formats.

  8. Refresh Functionality: Includes a hamburger icon with a refresh button to update the table with any new labels not currently displayed.

  9. Progress Bar: Displays a progress bar during edit, delete, and migration operations. Users can cancel these operations if needed.

How to get to settings screen:

Go to your project > project settings > labels

  1. Click on the Project Setting on the current project screen

  1. Click on Labels on the Project Setting section

Labels admin screen-20240314-104224.png

Refresh Issue Count

By opting not to update the issue count with each individual issue update, our plugin remains lightweight and your system maintains its speed. The refresh button empowers users to retrieve the number of issues associated with specific label(s) when needed, ensuring efficient use of resources without compromising performance.

To refresh the issue count:

  1. Select the labels.

  2. Click on the refresh button.

  3. Get the updated issue counts showing on the table.






Edit Label Name

User can able to edit Label from all the issues it is present.

Don’t use space in-between, label name must be unique, and the field cannot be blank.

To edit a label name:

  1. Click on the edit icon for the label you wish to edit..

  2. Enter the new label name and name must be unique, not empty and do not contains spaces

  3. Press enter or anywhere on the screen to save.

  4. Confirm the changes.

  5. Click on cross icon on progress bar to stop the edit operation.



Label Deletion

To delete multiple labels:

  1. Select the labels you want to delete from the table.

  2. Click on the "Delete" option.

  3. Confirm the deletion.

  4. You can also cancel the operation by clicking on cross icon on the progress bar


Label Migration

To migrate a label to another:

  1. Select two labels from the table you want to perform the migrate operation.

  2. User can not select more than two or less than two labels. They have to select two labels only

  3. Click on the "Migrate" option.

  4. It will pop-up a dialog-box where you can choose which label to migrate

  5. Choose the target label.

  6. Confirm the migration.






Re-index from scratch

To refresh the label table:

  1. Click on the hamburger icon.

  2. Select the "Refresh Table" option.

  3. The table will update with new labels not currently displayed.



Label Search

Use the search bar to filter labels based on keywords or partial names.

Export Options

To export label data:

  1. Click on the export button.

  2. Choose the desired format (PDF, CSV, or EXE).

  3. Follow the prompts to save the exported file.