Vamhi Labele - Version 2.0.0 - Mar 27 - Release Notes

Vamhi Labele - Version 2.0.0 - Mar 27 - Release Notes


Intuitive Project Settings Screen Added

The Label Plugin goes beyond basic labeling functionalities, offering a comprehensive suite of tools accessible through its intuitive project settings screen. Here's a glimpse into some of the key features:

1. Migrate Labels

Transitioning between labels shouldn't entail painstakingly recreating labels from scratch. Our plugin simplifies the process with a seamless label migration feature. Effortlessly transfer labels between issues, ensuring continuity and consistency across your workflow.

2. Rename Labels

As projects evolve, so too may the terminology and nomenclature associated with them. With the Label Plugin, renaming labels is a breeze. Simply navigate to the project settings screen, edit labels on-the-fly, and watch as your workspace adapts to reflect the changes seamlessly.

3. Delete Labels

Not all labels stand the test of time. When redundant or obsolete, it's essential to declutter your workspace by removing unnecessary labels. Our plugin facilitates this process, allowing users to delete labels effortlessly and maintain a clutter-free environment conducive to productivity.

Tested for compatibility

  • Jira version 9.4.14 - 9.4.18

  • Jira version 9.12.1 - 9.14.1

key summary type

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.