Installing linux on windows laptop

Installing linux on windows laptop


  1. Start with resizing the windows drive to the amount required. If you are going to use linux as primary os. Then try to get more memory on ubuntu. (My personal numbers get 400 gb free in 512 gb ssd)

  2. Disable bit locker by going into encryption. (Search for encryption) - Delete all data before unencryption

  3. Boot linux pen drive by holding shift

  4. After installation is done, go to settings > users. And add required user with standard settings.


Software Installation

Follow below for installation of software after ubuntu installation.

  1. Switch to admin user su (admin) user. (As sudo is only allowed to administrators)

  2. Check your ubuntu version by going to “about” section using search

  3. Install git

    sudo apt install git
  4. Install adopt open jdk 8, 11, 17

    1. Add the Eclipse Adoptium GPG key

      wget -O - https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public | sudo apt-key add -
    2. Add the Eclipse Adoptium apt repository

      echo "deb https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list
    3. Install the Temurin version you require

    4. Configure the default version
      Add java config script to .bashrc
      and add script to .bashrc to update java home variable after switch

    5. Update bash to use new .bashrc


  5. Install Atlas SDK Install the Atlassian SDK on a Linux or Mac system
    On a Debian-based Linux system like Ubuntu, you can install the SDK using apt-get or aptitude:

    1. First, set up the Atlassian SDK repositories:

    2. Download the public key using curl or wget:

    3. Add the public key to apt to verify the package signatures automatically:

    4. Then, run the install:

    5. Next: Verify that you have set up the SDK correctly

  1. Exit out of super user for below steps :

  2. Install curl

  3. Install NVM

  4. Install Node 18

  5. To verify

Post items

You need to setup a way to switch between different Java versions. Set JAVA_HOME variable. And do a test build on any plugin to confirm that all the things are set up

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